
the rebirth of the Soundbar

living statue
In just the blink of an eye Soundbar is back. 

Same style, same rhythm, new space.

While it was never a gay bar, Soundbar's style and music made it a place that would attract a gay crowd. At last nights invite only opening, there were aerialists, belly dancers, and body sushi. Perhaps my favorite element (aka the gayest thing) was the "living statues," a handful of gym rats who had obviously never tasted the sweet taste of carbs.

"While you can expect the same mix of Euro dance music and hip-hop (from DJs such as DJ Fresko, Alex Jarvis and Inno & Stash), he will introduce a new look and vibe. Sfaellos is planning three distinct areas in the club. There will be two front rooms. He described one as having a “traditional Russian palace look.” The other will be an “Asian opium den” (sans the opium). The large back room will be all modern, with a dance floor and nine indoor cabanas (“the size of small apartments,” he said)." -Tom Horgan, Strib

I never got the "Asian opium den" vibe, but the "traditional Russian palace look" was amazing.

Its not the bar I would load up a mini-van full of gays and take, but you should still check it out. Grab your boyfriend, a glamerous hag & her boyfriend for a  double date at the new Soundbar. The place is really cool and definitely worth a visit. -mo 
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