
No, your facts are wrong.... #LGBTfacts

A new face on twitter is causing quite the ruckus. @lgbtfacts  has decided it is their job to fill twitter with hate and misinformation about US (you know, abhorrent homosexuals.) 

They even used a fablous new word to describe gays #Gaystapo.  (perhaps its not new, but its new to us.)  

Anyway, the #Gaystapo has decided the best way to fight their ignorance & hate is with humor, by using their hashtag ( the # thing) against them... With our OWN set of "facts" #LGBTfacts

We encourage you to do your own #LGBTfacts.  It can be funny, serious, or moving.  Either way Tweet something and ad the hashtag #LGBTfacts and cover over their h8.

Learn about hashtags HERE

Click HERE to see @lgbtfacts  campaign of H8

Don't forget to follow us on twitter too 
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